85+ Ideas about Nautical Bathroom Decor

Nautical bathroom decor is decoration with sea theme for bathroom. This decoration will of course be beneficial for those who love sea or beach and will make anyone interested in the world of sea excited. Bathroom involves water since of course you use bathroom for taking a bath and when you decor your bathroom with nautical decor, you will be able to feel as if you are in the sea enjoying the water. Nautical decoration also brings calm atmosphere to the bathroom since according to research, sea can make people calm and happy and when you apply to your bathroom, you will at least feel the atmosphere of calmness.

85 Ideas about Nautical Bathroom Decor

There are several ideas of decoration for nautical bathroom. First and foremost and probably one of the most important things is the color of the bathroom wall. When you want to have nautical decoration, you must use light color for your wall, the most common color is light blue since it represents the color of the sea and blue color is very calming as well. Some of decoration which will support the sea theme is by adding a mirror shapes round. This mirror can usually be found on yacht or boat.

As another accent to support nautical decoration, you can add life boat tire which is usually in the color of red and some animal decoration such as sea horse, dolphin, shark or any sea animal that you like and put them on the wall. You can also add a huge anchor as an ornament and put it on the wall. Another idea for your nautical bathroom is sea drawing as your shower curtains. It certainly will improve the look of your bathroom. If you would like to apply a unique design for your bathroom, you can have a bath tub in the shape of a boat, this will certainly make your nautical decoration complete and leave an impression to anyone who happens to use your bathroom.

In conclusion, this is a great decoration for those of you who love sea. Sea is certainly a lot of people’s favorite because it is very beautiful and calming. There are many decoration ideas that you can apply as well for your bathroom, such as adding sea ornaments like anchor, life tire and having bath tub in the shape of boat. It can be guaranteed that when you have a great nautical bathroom decor in your bathroom, you would not want to leave the place.

Wednesday, June 7th 2017. | Bathroom
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